Chinese tale, by Rafael Vilasanjuan

What is China afraid of? Surprising as it may seem, the question is not rhetorical. In the West we are afraid of China. It is not a military fear, it is rather cheap. If China does not produce at prices where value stays here, our liberal economy collapses. But His policy to control the covid goes against all the assumptions of the World Health Organization and against the interests of the rest of the world. During the last year, she has maintained a policy of compulsory tests and confinements that is difficult to understand, once it has been demonstrated that the efficacy of the vaccine could avoid such drastic measures. Half of the internal flights in the country are suspended7 out of ten movie theaters closed, millions of people confined. The reality is so hostile that, fed up with remaining closed, people have taken to the streets and no longer question only the confinement policy, what they question is the regime. While they watch half the world remove their masks, either at summits of international leaders such as the G-20 or in the stands of the World Cup matches in Qatar, they continued to be confined and with the mandatory mask. Similar protests had not been seen since Tiananmen, the same year the Berlin Wall fell.

Unlike then, where the Government was asked end corruptionNow they don’t trust the party or who governs. The revolt in the streets has put power in the face of reality. It is too soon to determine if the current protests can open a new political stage in the Asian giant, despite the lack it makes us. But for now have forced to rectify an erroneous policy, with confinements decided from the political sphere without any evidence of benefit to public health. The excuse is that the omicron variant doesn’t kill as much. The Chinese tale seems to have a happy ending, good news for the population and for the rest of the world. When China stops, the world economy slows down, much more so than with the war in Ukraine.
