Chinese state security shows spy van Britse inlichtingendienst MI6 te hebben ontmaskerd | Buitenland

Beijing shows that the Britten has a person from the country who has been recruited from China. “In 2015, the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) was brought to a standstill with Huang and the Ministry of Intelligence,” the state said in a declaration of the Ministry of State Security.

The suspicion of a large number of vertrouwelijke information and reports from the intelligence services have been overgemaakt to MI6. Huang zou in China also op zoek zijn gegaan extra cafeterias that work for the British lighting service’s sake.

Volgens de Mededeling van Peking had Huang a high function in a Buitenlands advieskantoor. About the gender and nationality of the suspicion wordt was given information.

In the verklaring wordt benadrukt that he “criminal rights lijke dwangmaatregelen” zijn gen tegen de suspicions.
