China’s ambassador to US calls Taiwan issue ‘biggest powder keg’

A key issue in US-China relations is the issue of Taiwan independence. About it declared Chinese Ambassador to the United States Qin Gang in an interview with National Public Radio.

If the Taiwanese authorities continue to “walk the path of independence” with the support of Washington, then a military conflict is likely between the US and China, the diplomat said. Gang said that the people of China and Taiwan are Chinese compatriots, and Beijing is making efforts for peaceful reunification. “But China will not give up non-peaceful means of reunification because they are a deterrent,” the ambassador warned.

“The Taiwan issue is the biggest tinderbox between China and the United States,” Gang said.

China downgrades diplomatic relations with Lithuania over Taiwan

After the aggravation of the situation in the Taiwan Strait at the end of 2021, US President Joe Biden said that the United States would be ready to support Taiwan if China showed aggression towards it.


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