China warns EU of ‘dangerous’ sanctions over Ukraine war

BEIJING (dpa-AFX) – With sharp words, China has warned the European Union against sanctions against Chinese companies because of their business with Russia. Responding to a report in the Financial Times on the new punitive measures against the war in Ukraine, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Monday: “It is very dangerous. We call on the EU not to take this wrong path.” Otherwise, China will take “resolute action” to protect its legitimate rights and interests.

According to the report by the “Financial Times”, the EU Commission has proposed including measures against seven Chinese companies in the new package of sanctions. They are accused of supplying Russia with equipment that could support the war machine and be used in weapons. On Wednesday, the permanent representatives of the 27 EU member states are to discuss the procedure in Brussels. The aim is to adopt the eleventh package of sanctions this month.

According to the “Financial Times”, the Chinese semiconductor manufacturer 3HC is among those affected in the China part. He is accused of attempting to circumvent export controls and supply electronic parts for Russia’s industrial and military complex. The company King Pai Technology, which supplies microelectronics, is also mentioned. The report also mentions Sinno Electronics and Sigma Technology from China’s Hong Kong SAR. The four companies are already on the US sanctions lists./lw/DP/mis
