China states troops to Russia for military oefening | Buitenland

Moscow has late information about the opening times, which will be held in 2018 in the Verre Oosten aan de Grens met China, from 30 August to 5 September plaatsvindt. In a verclaring in writing the Chinese leger mee te doen “om de militaire samenwerking tussen de deelnemende landen te verbeteren”.

The opening must increase the ability “om op verschillende vigilheidsdreigingen te reacten”, writes China. The “local international and regional situation” was never made with the official name of the Chinese office in the opening, named Beijing.

Het is de tweede keer dit jaar dat Chinese en Russian soldiers same ovens. The last thing was me, at the moment that the American President Joe Biden de Japanse Hoofdstad Tokyo bezocht. De wordvoerder van het Amerikaanse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, Ned Price, shows that the United States “nothing zoeken” after the total opening. Welt Price states that “a new relationship between China and Russia de wereldwijde veiligheid ondermijnt.”
