China says it has not received a request to become a guarantor of Ukraine’s security

China has not received requests from Ukraine for Beijing to become a guarantor of Kyiv’s security, said Wang Lutong, head of the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s department for European affairs.

“I will need to clarify what exactly the Ukrainian side said about security guarantees, but I am not aware that we received any request,” Lutong said (quoted from “RIA News”).

Zelensky announced his desire to see China on the side of Ukraine

On March 29, after the peace talks, the head of the Ukrainian delegation, David Arakhamia, announced that Ukraine had proposed a new system of security guarantees. According to him, it will be presented in the form of an international treaty, which will be signed and ratified by all guarantors. He specified that permanent members of the UN Security Council, including Russia, as well as Turkey, Germany, Italy, Israel, Poland and Canada, could become guarantors of the new system.

“We are in talks with the US, UK, Germany, France and Turkey about their possible participation in this model. They reacted positively to this idea,” said Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba.
