China relaxes corona measures across the country, isolation is allowed at home

The government in China is going to relax some corona measures after a period of protests. The Chinese National Health Commission announced this on Wednesday, international news agencies report. Among other things, a negative corona test and a digital health declaration will no longer be required throughout the country, except in vulnerable places such as daycare centers, nursing homes and schools.

The scale of lockdowns is also being reduced: from now on, only floors or buildings will be locked after a corona infection, instead of the entire neighborhood. In addition, people who test positive can now be isolated at home, instead of in one of the quarantine facilities, which were often overcrowded and unhygienic.

The relaxations are announced after a period of protests against the zero-covid policy in several Chinese cities. The strict policy, which has been in force for more than three years, has dealt a major blow to the country’s economy and (international) trade, among other things. Despite the easing, China is still one of the strictest countries in the world with its corona policy.
