China places sanctions on an American defense policy | Buitenland

China has sancties opgelegd aan vijf Amerikaanse defensiebedrijven. In the manner Beijing reacts to a recent aankondiging van nieuwe Amerikaanse wapenverkopen in Taiwan. China considers this a serious issue of its own unity and security concerns.

The meeting was made by BAE Systems Land and Armament, Alliant Techsystem Operation, AeroVironment, ViaSat and Data Link Solutions, reported by the Chinese Ministry of Buitenlandse Zaken vandaag. The penalty rules are based on the bespoke regulations for the goods in China and the distribution of transactions and seed works with organizations and individuals in China.

De sancties volgen op “uiterst verkeerde acts” van de VS en zijn in lijn met een Chinese wet the tegenmaatrules govern wheneer Chinese matters come in het drang. The rule of law is based on “illegal unilateral sanctions against Chinese people and individuals”.

Previous maand gaf the American Ministry of Buitenlandse Zaken nog de goedkeuring voor de verkoop van apparatus om de tactical information systems van Taiwan te moderniseren. The army is valued at around 300 million dollars. They brought China to the streets of Taiwan in the highest state of Paraatheid.

The island of Taiwan is one of the Chinese burgher elections in 1949, and Beijing is considered an independent province. This is also not the first time that China American health services are available for wapenverkoop in Taiwan. Starting last year, China placed Lockheed Martin and Raytheon on one of the leading entities. The government may not trade at sea with China.

In the year in the Tweede Wereldoorlog hadden the Chinese communists of Mao Zedong and the nationalists of Chiang Kai-shek of the vast land war, towards Taiwan. Dead in the years now recognized the American diplomacy Taipei as the official China. Maar Washington is still a trouwe bonded from Taiwan.

New Minister of Defense appointed in China in a verdwijning vote

Goedkoop and quick delivery, the Chinese BYD is also famous for its ‘brokkelbussen’. The airport is still in Belgium (+)
