China comes with a million-dollar package of economic big aan te hunt | Buitenland

China steekt nog eens 1 biljoen yuan, omgerekend ruim 146 million euros, in de economy om daarmee de groei aan te hunt. The financing is grotendeels court op infrastructuuruitgaven.

Beijing condign verschillende maatregelen aan. Zo wordt 300 million yuan (44 million euros) aan banks overcharged. The money is due for investments in infrastructure projects in a total of 300 million yuan in June and June as planned. Local overheden krijgen daarnaast 500 million yuan (73 million euros) aan speciale obligaties toegewezen.

De steun is also court op energieopwekking. Door de grote droogte is he in China sprake van energieschaarste. Beijing puts the energy requirement at 200 million yuan (29 million euros) on mandatory fees. Daarbovenop wordt nog eens 10 million yuan (1.46 million euros) on subsidies aangeboden on the landbouwsector.

Connoisseurs mean that the new package is not expected to end in the large number of two economies that are hunted in accordance with the official doelstelling of 5.5 percent of the total. Because of the problems in China te groot, zo klinkt het. The Chinese economy was booked onder the ineenstorting van the vast goods market. Because of this, the word is large because of the strict corona rules. China has a zero-covid-beleid om infections using the ban. Beleidsmakers in China are said to have door schemes that het for his country a hele kluif zal om de doelstelling van 5.5 per cent groei te halen.
