Chimenteros war: everyone against Flor de la V

The hosts of the entertainment programs all went to war. The sides are not completely defined and can change week to week depending on which side it is convenient to align on. Disputes over ratings, egos, poster problems, scoops and old fights that are made known at the right time are the reasons for these constant disputes that are renewed daily.

This is how enmities, quarrels and jealousies arise between colleagues that become the main theme of each of these programs. The media fight is a fundamental ingredient for the Argentine star system, but now those who enter the ring have changed. Far from the mere role of presenters of yesteryear, now it is the hosts of the various programs themselves who from their screen They attack without mincing words to his colleagues. In the absence of star fights, they are the ones who star in the televised disputes.

Showbiz programs are one of the few that survive with acceptable audience numbers on Argentine television and to continue maintaining that place they must constantly be renewed, even if that includes taking the journalists and drivers to the battlefield to confront others who are in the same situation. A free-for-all that, feeding back with each “chimentero” that joins the fight, turns it into a media scandal that even generates enmity between stars who share the channel or who shared the screen until a couple of years ago.


The last spark that sparked a fire among all these journalists occurred when Susana Gimenez He gave interviews prior to what will be his farewell to the theater. The diva received various journalists from local television who traveled to Uruguay to interview her. The fight over who got the top title or the most interesting interview began when all the shows announced that they would have the exclusive interview.

The one who managed to hit the point was Angel de Brito, which on “LAM” aired the interview a day before the rest of the programs. As it went at night, he did the report on the same afternoon of October 10 as the rest of his colleagues, but that same day it aired, unlike the other programs that had to wait until the next day.

Although the “Bailando” jury also stated that the interview was live, when it aired it was evident that it was a recorded report. The next day, making it clear that in this war there are no trenches, it was from the channel where “LAM” is broadcast, América TV, that the host of “Intrusos”, V flower, launched his attack, criticizing that De Brito had not traveled to Uruguay to carry out the report, like the rest of the journalists, and that the interview he announced live was recorded. The driver did not take kindly the reproaches of his colleague and counterattacked on social network X: “No wonder they love Flor so much.

V flower

I fuck all I want and I’m not fake like De la V. He lied to show his bad temper with LAM. “Susana made notes at the hotel until 9 p.m.,” said De Brito, defending her interview. The crossings continued The next day when Flor de la V, without mentioning “LAM”, reiterated that her program goes live every day without exception, not like others. It was at this moment that the rest of the “chimenteros” came out to take sides and join a war in which they could not stay outside. Jorge Rial He referred to the crossover between his colleagues and ridiculed the importance of the dispute. “Someone does a recorded interview, and another gets angry…”

Rial Big Brother Alfa

Weeks before he had already criticized Flor de la V for her diva airs when she was the one who was a guest on the gossip programs. “I always asked to be interviewed face to face, I didn’t want a panel.” The former host of “Intrusos” was closer to De Brito, with whom he usually has spicy crosses in networksalthough, on this occasion, the possibility of lashing out against whoever now occupies his former place on América TV’s midday program was stronger.

Rags in the sun

Other former “Intruders” joined the controversy. Rodrigo Lussich and Adrián Pallares, who hosted the historic program for a year and then moved to El Trece, joined in vilifying De la V. Although they maintain a cold war with De Brito, which includes chicanery and hints on the air or on networks practically every week, This time they took his side. “Florencia de la V is a great comedian, so if we told her how she should do comedy it would be disrespectful. Now, I think Florencia needs a lot of soup to learn how to make chimentos. And, in any case, to compare themselves with those who have been doing it for years and to want to cross paths with us or not. When I take it, we will talk about it, in a few years,” Lussich launched, making her position clear.

For his part, Pallares indicated that “there was never a bad vibe“, but she did not hesitate to bring to light a position of Florencia that bothered her: “Yes, when we left ‘Intruders’, for a long time, she said ‘the other management’ and did not name us.” “There is constant ignoring,” said his partner.

While the attacks on Florence of the V As they grew up, another former colleague brought up an old conflict with the comedian turned host. Lucas Bertero, who was part of the “Intruders” panel, claimed that she had been responsible for him being fired from her. According to reports, after a tense on-air exchange between the two, the situation escalated behind the camera and ended with Bertero being fired. In that context, he stressed that “there was abuse” and that the one who asked for “her head” was Florencia.

“I was not treated appropriately and then, off camera, there was a very strong episode that I cannot talk about,” the journalist was honest, adding that he was looking for let “the truth” be known. She went to her social networks to make publications against De la V, which were replicated by De Brito and the panelists who accompany Lussich and Pallares in El Trece.

This latest scandal increased the tenor of the controversy and the current host of “Intruders” buried the hatchet. For the moment, she preferred to exempt herself from continuing to respond in light of the fact that everyone is on the opposite side to hers.

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