Children’s wards in Berlin regularly reject patients

The Charité in Mitte is on strike

In 2021, 312 children and adolescents were transferred to other hospitals for inpatient admission by the Charité alone Photo: Christian Lohse

From BZ/dpa

Hundreds of children could not be admitted last year and this year due to bottlenecks in Berlin clinics.

Instead, they were transferred to other hospitals, some in Brandenburg. Destinations there included Eberswalde, Frankfurt (Oder), Ludwigsfelde, Oranienburg and Nauen. This emerges from the answers of the Senate to a question from the SPD MP Bettina König.

According to this, in 2021, 312 children and young people were transferred from the Charité to other clinics for inpatient admission. In the first half of 2022 there were 151. The “Berliner Morgenpost” had previously reported on this.

According to the information, the St. Joseph Hospital in Berlin-Tempelhof rejected 209 children last year, and significantly fewer in the first half of 2022 with 29. The Vivantes-Klinikum Neukölln transferred 164 children last year (first half of 2022: 92), the Vivantes-Klinikum Friedrichshain 135 (first half of 2022: 43).

An important factor for bottlenecks in the children’s hospitals is the staff, said Vivantes spokesman Christoph Lang of the “Berliner Morgenpost”. “You can’t run all the beds in a children’s ward if you don’t have the staff.” “We have significantly increased failure rates again.”


children hospital
