Children up to 12 years old travel free by bus from the Christmas holidays

Children up to 12 years old can travel on the bus for free from December 23. The free bus transport applies in the regions: North Holland North, Haarlem and IJmond. The province allocates an additional 125,000 euros annually for this and wants to make public transport more attractive for families with the new scheme.

Children can only ride the bus for free if they travel with an adult. A similar scheme has been in place in the Gooi and Vechtstreek region since 2020.

A similar arrangement also applies in Amsterdam. The Zaanstreek-Waterland region falls under the Amsterdam region, but the scheme does not apply there. The Amsterdam Transport Region is in discussions with the province to also roll out the scheme in Zaanstreek-Waterland.

Make public transport attractive

The Province of North Holland wants to encourage the use of public transport with the new scheme. “By allowing children to travel for free, we make public transport more attractive for families. And if children learn to use public transport at a young age, they will also choose public transport more often later,” said Jeroen Olthof, the deputy for mobility and accessibility, via a press release. .

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