Children enjoy the theater festival in park in the Wijk

The second Ons Kindertheater Festival on Willem Koopsweg in De Wijk was a great success on Saturday. The theme this time was: Watching, Listening and, above all, Doing! The program was aimed at young people, but was accessible to everyone and worth experiencing.

The children, who turned up in large numbers, thoroughly enjoyed the varied offer. Due to last year’s success, Kindercircus Okidoki gave two performances plus workshops. The Circusknecht also had a great time with his homemade cargo bike merry-go-round, accompanied by harmonica music, he gave the festival a happy note.

Ruth Bouwmeester of ‘Ruth’s Theater Hut’ gave a number of theater workshops last year. This time she came with her converted caravan to give a number of performances. She did that with gusto, because the children were watching her with fascination and were allowed to participate themselves.

shovel paper

The Rumi Art Institute from Rotterdam was in Drenthe for the first time and demonstrated the marbling of paper. The children lined up to make a work of art. Artist Akira Matsumodo showed how paper making works, which the children were of course also allowed to try themselves under his guidance. Furthermore, it was possible to paint, draw, blow large bubbles and there was a cafe for something to drink and eat. Artists from Okidoki gave a demonstration of fire breathing and blew this cozy children’s party at the end of the afternoon. Organizer Caecile Cnoops looked back on her festival with satisfaction. The Children’s Theater Festival was made possible in part by a contribution from the Postcode Lottery and the municipality of De Wolden.
