Child bursts into tears

Irina-Camelia Begu has reached the third round of the French Open. However, the Romanian caused a scandal when she defeated the Russian Ekaterina Alexandrowa in the second round.

Romanian tennis player Irina-Camelia Begu narrowly escaped disqualification on Thursday. In her second round match against Russia’s Ekaterina Alexandrowa, Begu shuffled to the sidelines to change her racket when the score was 6: 7 (3: 7), 6: 3 and 0: 2.

Supervisor comes into the square

She threw her old racquet on the sandy ground in such a way that it bounced into the audience – and frightened a little boy. that he burst into tears. Whether it was because of the shock or because he was hit lightly cannot be seen on the TV pictures.

The referee felt compelled to call the supervisor, who now had to decide whether Begu was allowed to continue playing. In the end, she got away with a warning because she had not thrown the racket into the audience out of anger.
