Chilavert, what trouble! For the former goalkeeper one year in prison for insulting the president of CONMEBOL

El Bulldog doesn’t mince words and Alejandro Domínguez, the president of CONMEBOL, knows it very well. The number one in South American football is constantly in the crosshairs of the former Paraguay goalkeeper, but this time … he scored an important goal for him

Josè Luis Chilavert is not … a goalkeeper like the others. His career, made up of absurd moments on and off the pitch, has transformed him into one of the icons of South American football. He is famous for his saves, his free-kick goals, his fights and a certain propensity to always say what he thinks. El Bulldog doesn’t mince words and Alejandro Domínguez, the president of CONMEBOL, knows it very well. The number one in South American football is constantly in the crosshairs of the former Paraguay goalkeeper, but this time … he scored an important goal for him. The defamation lawsuit against “Chila” has in fact reached the last act and the judge has decided to agree with Domínguez.

ONE YEAR – Well, as you explain MundoDeportive, for Chilavert comes the sentence of one year in prison with suspension of the sentence for having “harmed the honor of the person”. And considering that the quarrel has been going on for years and on all media, it turns out that the former goalkeeper also went well. Domínguez, who among other things is also his compatriot, had in fact asked for two years in prison for him, plus a compensation of about 15 thousand dollars. On the other hand, Chilavert will have the obligation to sign every three months and there is also the possibility that his passport will be removed to prevent him from leaving the country. In short, the suspension of the sentence is linked to a series of behaviors that the Paraguayan will have to keep in order not to risk ending up behind bars.

ATTPERSONAL ACKS – But what did Chilavert say about Domínguez to be convicted? The question … is long, given that we are talking about years and years of criticism and personal attacks on the number one of CONMEBOL, often accused by the former goalkeeper of using mafia methods. One of the latest … Chila releases is the one that concerned the Copa America last summer, played in a Brazil struggling with several Covid outbreaks. At the time Chilavert had limited himself to a Twitter post in which he referred to the federation as “Corrupbol”, a pun with obvious reference to the word ‘corruption’. It had gotten worse on the night of the Libertadores Superclasico in 2018, when Chilavert called the federal president “a bad person, who doesn’t care about human beings, dead or alive, only billing.” In the end, however, the judge found him wrong.
