Chief Customer Officer Markus Kallen is leaving

The retailer Kik Textilien und Non-Food GmbH will have to manage without its Chief Customer Officer (CCO) Markus Kallen in the future.

Kallen, who is also a member of the management board, will be leaving the company on December 31st “at his own request and with the end of his core job,” Kik announced on Monday. He was promoted to CCO in January 2022 in order to “build a new, international customer relationship management with myKiK and drive forward the digitalization of both sales and the reorganization of the online shop and its expansion.”

Patrick Zahn, the chairman of the management board, paid tribute to the outgoing manager: “Markus Kallen has fulfilled his mission at Kik with great commitment and, in the course of implementing our new strategy, has taken our company to a new level in the digital area and in customer contact,” he explained in a statement. “That was his core task and we were clear from the start that Markus Kallen would then move on to new tasks. We would have liked to keep him on the management team – but we would be very understanding if he wanted to set new goals outside of Kik.”
