Chiche Duhalde pointed against Kirchnerism: “they are shits”

“I see things increasingly complicated and difficult. That the government has to reach the end of its mandate I have no doubt, but things are getting difficult and it is due to errors that are due to the bad actions of the government. What we have seen this week produces a terrible indignation in me ”, starts Hilda “Chiche” Duhaldethe former deputy and senator, who intends to be a candidate again in the 2023 elections.

“Kirchnerism, La Cámpora or Cristinismo, whatever you want to call it, has a permanent attitude towards people’s problems, they hide, they don’t show their faces. It seems that they eat the boys raw but after they all end up being shits They don’t face reality, and they don’t go and show their faces”, marked “Chiche” in El Disparador (Delta 90.3).

“Instead of empathizing, they go out to defend themselves, when what a ruler or a minister should do is go and put their face next to the pain and accept what comes their way. Because it is their responsibility, but they don’t do it because they are shits, they are never there when serious and important events happen. They all escape like rats through suspenders, and people want to see those who lead them on the front lines, accepting the blame”, added the wife of the former Buenos Aires governor Eduardo Duhalde.

“I don’t know what the government’s thinking is, those who go to the media go to those who ask them the questions they agree on. Take courage, go to all means and say what you consider to be true, even if it does not agree with mine but dare to face society”, challenged Duhalde, who like her husband, militates to build a third electoral way, from the federal Peronism.

I don’t know if I’m going to be a candidate in the next elections, but of course I want to. The problem is that it is such a complex moment in politics, so difficult. It seems to me that there are many things to correct, the way is not by fighting, but by fixing things that are feasible to do”, stated Chiche Duhalde.

The former leader of the “manzaneras” maintains a historic versus with the vice president Cristina Kirchnerwhom he faced in the elections legislative of 2005, when Kirchnerism betrayed the Duhaldismo that had brought it to power. In those elections, the Front for Victory defeated him in the Buenos Aires elections.

The list headed by Cristina Kirchner then obtained a crushing triumph over her rival Hilda González “Chiche” Duhalde: she obtained practically more than double the votes, 44 and 19%, respectively.

by RN

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