Chiara Ferragni, the father’s pride on social media

dforget his 28.8 million followers. The first fan of Clare Ferragni and he, his father Marco Ferragni. Dentist, very reserved, he rarely declares all his pride in his daughter’s successes via social media. But this time he made an exception. In fact, Papa Ferragni succumbed to the emotion of seeing the eldest daughter on the Ariston stage. Come on Instagram he wanted to have his say.

Marco Ferragni and the love for his three daughters

Marco Ferragni is the ex-husband of the writer Marina Di Guardo. Three daughters were born from their love: Chiara, Francesca and Valentina. And just to them, on his Instagram profile, dad Marco dedicates posts full of affection. He often browses the album of memories and shares pictures of the past with his still young daughters with his followers. He does it especially on the occasion of birthdays or some special event. On social media he often reiterates the love he feels for them. Only rarely does he express his pride in the success achieved by her girls, to which is added Lorenzo, the fourth child born of a new love.

She entered many hearts

Chiara Ferragni was the great expectation of Sanremo 2023. The public and critics were waiting for her on stage to evaluate outfits and monologues, but for Marco Ferragni the digital entrepreneur on the Ariston stage was simply her daughter. The one who in many Instagram posts calls “my big girl”. And of which he is really proud. «Chiarapiccola entered my heart on 7 May 1987… Chiaragrande entered many other hearts on Tuesday evening…» he wrote on social media before the final evening of Sanremo 2023. Then another post, in which he addresses his daughter directly: «To attend the final evening of the festival and seeing you on stage, smiling and nonchalant was a great emotion…Chiara, you did great».

The complicity between father and daughter

A rare post, given that Marco Ferragni never expresses himself on his daughters’ work. And, to tell the exceptional nature of the case, it is the same digital entrepreneur who shared an exchange of messages between her father among the Instagram Stories. «My dad asking if he can make a post about me» she wrote while sharing a screenshot of her phone. «Tonight I’m making a post about you… can I use some pictures you put in your post?Marco Ferragni asks his daughter. «Sure daddy» she replies. Messages that are those of any dad to his daughter. And that perfectly tell the complicity that binds them.

