Chiara Ferragni naked in Sanremo? No, she provokes and moves with a letter

The influencer encourages women to overcome their insecurities and the fear of never being enough

She is the real surprise of the Ariston: Clare Ferragni. One of the few women who, going down those stairs and treading that stage, managed not to be a mannequin on the catwalk, but to demonstrate that fashion can carry serious messages and reach out to millions of people. In this case she has chosen to address the other women, to encourage them to be themselves, to overcome your insecurities and the fear of never being enough. A fear with which she herself still struggles and, she admits, it is a feeling that she also feels in Sanremo.

Chiara Ferragni naked on stage? No, it’s a drawing

Chiara Ferragni has never been afraid to show her body and she also did it at the Ariston, but without disrespecting the place where she was. Therefore, together with Maria Grazia Chiuriartistic director of Dior, has chosen to wear a dress that made her look naked, but it wasn’t really transparent, it was just a drawing of her body. With the stylist Fabio Maria Damato and with Dior, Chiara Ferragni created this very particular, but truly significant dress: “The idea of ​​a dress that simulated Chiara’s naked body came to us immediately, taking inspiration from a creation by Maria Grazia Chiuri for Dior for spring/summer 2018. Made in the Dior haute couture ateliers, the flesh-colored tulle dress reproduces the natural body of Chiara Ferragni with a trompe l’oeil embroidery, freed from the shame they have always imposed on all women, starting with Eve, the first woman in history induced to feel ashamed. This illusion of nudity wants to remind everyone of the right and gender equality they have in showing, having themselves without having to feel judged or guilty. This illusion of nudity wants to remind that anyone who decides to show himself, or feeling sexy doesn’t entitle anyone to justify violence of men or to mitigate their faults. This is the body of a woman, that of Chiara Ferragni who would like to give a voice to all the women of the world who are subjected to bans and abuses, to all those who are told that their body generates shame, that it is only an object of desire or that incites to sin. This is everyone’s body. Let him who is without sin cast the first stone!”

Chiara Ferragni’s letter to herself

The dress Ferragni wore for hers monologue is closely related to the content. An extraordinary demonstration of how fashion can be the bearer of a concrete message. The influencer she read a letter addressed to herself as a child: “Hi baby, I’ve decided to write you a letter. Every time I think of you I feel like crying and I don’t know why, maybe because I miss you or because I’d like to let you out a little more and let you know my life”. “Not everyone really likes me, but I think I finally like myself and this is a good, indeed a very good start. Want to know a little about your future? I have to make a premise: I’ve always tried to make you proud. I do all that for you “. Then Ferragni enters the heart of the speech saying that he has always been there for his whole life”a thought stuck in my head: not feeling enough“, but now, as an entrepreneur and mother of a family, she says to herself: “You are enough, you always have been, all those times you didn’t feel good enough, beautiful or intelligent, you were. And do you know how many moments you will still feel like this? Very many. This, for example, is one of those moments, and it is normal that it is. The most important challenges are always in our heads and are always with ourselves“.

Roller coasters

Chiara Ferragni underlines how life cannot be completely flat: “One day a friend told me ‘No one lines up for a flat roller coaster’. He was right, live those roller coasters to the fullest, live them all without fear. Fear, that bad feeling we always try to chase away, will accompany you so many times that you will lose count. I learned that if one thing scares you, it’s probably the right one to do. Only by risking do you truly win, against the insecurities in your head. We all have fragile writing on our skin, we are boxes that contain wonder and must be opened with care”.

Children and true love

Chiara Ferragni also mentioned her family: “I have two beautiful children now, but I won’t tell you anything about Faith, I don’t want to take away the surprise and wonder of discovering true love. Yes, you too will become a mother, but you will always be the same person, with the same doubts and insecurities. I’ll let you in on a secret: parents seem infallible to you, but they’re also growing up with you. Will it be easy to be a parent? It will never be the hardest job of all, because the only people who will be able to make a judgment will be your children. You will often feel guilty, almost wrong for having other dreams than family. Our society has taught us when you become a mother, you are just a mother. How many times does society make women feel guilty because they stay away from their daughters while working? Practically always. And how often men? Never. But I’ll tell you what: if you’ll always do your best for your kids and they’ll always be at the top of your mind, you’ll be a good mother, not perfect, but good enough.”

The dig at the ex-boyfriend

Chiara Ferragni has also removed a pebble from her shoe: “Always celebrate your successes, the big ones and the small ones that no one else sees. Never belittle yourself in front of anyone, we women make ourselves small in front of insecure men. And I say that I let someone say they made me up for years.” The reference is clearly to the ex-boyfriend Richard Pozzoliwith whom he founded the blog The Blonde Salad where his career started.

Chiara Ferragni proud of herself

In conclusion of his monologue, Chiara Ferragni invites her child to challenge sexism and to live freely in her own bodyor, because “if you’re too covered you’re a nun, if you’re uncovered you’re a slut”. Then she concludes: “I would like to hug you, little Chiara, and tell you not to doubt who you are and that yes, I am proud of you“.
