Chiara Ferragni, Fabio Fazio’s interview divides followers

THEthe day after his long-awaited interview with What’s the weather like, Chiara Ferragni returns to divide audiences and followers. There are those who support the digital entrepreneur, praising her for her sincerity, the desire to recognize oneself as imperfect and the courage to admit one’s mistakes, including the now famous one of Pandoro-gate. There are those who praise Fabio Fazio because he didn’t transform the TV lounge into a court. But it’s also there those who point the finger at an interview in which nothing new was added compared to what has already been said. And also Fiorello spoke about this interview in the episode of Long live Rai2! aired this morning.

Chiara Ferragni, her defense against haters: «I am at the center of a wave of hatred»

Chiara Ferragni and the interview with What’s the weather like

From Pandoro-gate to the crisis with Fedez to social media: guest of Fabio Fazio Chiara Ferragni touched on various topics during the interview with Che tempo che fa. The digital entrepreneur reiterated her good faith in the communication error committed in the Balocco case. She then confirmed, once again, the crisis with her husband Fedez. «There have also been in the past, this time it is stronger» he said. Revealing that he still doesn’t know how it will end. And, addressing young people, she reminded them that «beyond social media there is a real life that must be lived». And it is precisely from here that she also wants to start again after “this wave of hatred” that overwhelmed her after Pandoro-gate.

Followers divided

«Thank you for following and supporting me» wrote the influencer on Instagram, sharing some shots of the various moments of the interview. The first people who supported her were her mother and sisters who accompanied her to the studio. «My love, I’m proud of you” wrote Marina di Guardo on Instagram. “Always” is Valentina Ferragni’s comment. «Come on» Francesca Ferragni’s comment.

And there are many comments from fans who have rallied around her: «We can all see that you are beautiful on the outside… yesterday your beauty on the inside came out even more. Proud of you!”, “You were yourself, kind, excited, perhaps a little saddened, but very courageous. And always kind and polite” we read in the comments. It’s still: “Thank you for being true, with your imperfections and fragilities».

“He didn’t say anything”

Among the comments on the post, however, many followers underline the fact that little has emerged from the interview with Chiara Ferragni. «He practically didn’t say anything, same things he said with the gray sweater!» one user commented. «Sorry but it was a joke, they didn’t say anything. end» we read in another comment.

And again: «Your interview was more planned than my mother’s birth than me…», «No cross-examination, no uncomfortable questions. And this is an interview? Come on then”. And there are even those who define the interview as “an own goal”.

Fiorello: «Nothing happened»

Even Fiorello spoke about the interview with the digital entrepreneur: «We looked for something to say but frankly nothing happened» he said during Viva Rai2!. Adding with irony: «She has arrived, how are you doing? Everything OK. How are you? Well. So, I’m a little disappointed. Then what happened? That’s right, you misunderstood” added the showman. Pointing out: “I waited, waited, waited and what happened? Nothing, nothing happened. Missing the crisis, says that maybe they make peace… not even that, nothing happened.” Concluding with a reference to the other great protagonist of Sunday afternoon: Barbara D’Urso interviewed by Mara Venier. «D’Urso has done more».

