Chiara Ferragni and the controversy over the private visit to the museum

Qwhat should have been a fun afternoon has turned, for Chiara Ferragni and family, in a real social attack. The Ferragnez were literally overwhelmed with criticism after taking their babies to visit a museum in Milan. The couple asked for a private and closed-door event. But, due to a mistake by the museum itself, things did not go as planned and other people were left out with the ticket already purchased.

Chiara Ferragni at the Museum of Dreamers

On November 8, the digital entrepreneur together with her husband Fedez accompanied the little ones Leone and Vittoria to the Museum of Dreamers in Milan. It is a museum that, through some installations and optical illusions, transports young and old into a fairy-tale world. “This afternoon was fun»Wrote the social star posting on Instagram a roundup of images from the museum. She immediately targeted her by followers who did not like that visit behind closed doors.

The wrath of the followers

“But not for everyone, those who had booked and asked for holidays to bring their children, certainly had less fun»Wrote a user referring to the cheerful afternoon spent by the Ferragnez. “You are privileged parents, with privileged children... and so far blessed are you … but when your privilege harms others, have an examination of conscience, if it still remains, pay the ticket to those who have remained outside and apologize … “reads another comment

. There are those who accuse them of having entertained inside after the scheduled time. But there are also those who point the finger at the structure and organization of the museum.

The Museum version

(Instagram Stories @museumofdreamers)

Indeed, the Museum of Dreamers in Mialno apologized via social media explaining how things went. «On the afternoon of November 8, the Museum of Dreamers was closed to the public for two hours on the occasion of a private event. It is a service that we provide to any company and / or private individuals interested and which is explained on the site »reads a note published in the Stories of Instagram profile of the museum.

Who explained that “as has already happened in these circumstances, ticket sales in the time slots affected by the event have been blocked. Unfortunately, due to our internal error, the 6pm timetable was still available online, counting a total of 16 bookings“. Here is the error, therefore, that would have triggered the social controversy against the Ferragnez.

An error that resulted in “a wait of 30 minutes” explains the structure again. Who apologized with a gift, the refund of the ticket to those who could not wait and the possibility of returning using their own ticket. The museum finally let it be known that of the 16 people left out, six entered later and ten were reimbursed.

