Chiara Ferragni, a multi-million dollar business

04/29/2023 at 08:24


The most successful fashion ‘influencer’ in the world premieres the second season of the docuseries ‘The Ferragnez’

Chiara Ferragni premieres a new docuseries. It will be the second season of ‘The Ferragnez’ (2019), focused on his family life. The ‘influencer’ Fashion most successful in the world He has announced it on Instagram and has promised that it will be a ‘rollercoaster’ (roller coaster) of emotions. She has also said that the premiere is a moment that she and her husband and co-star, the rapper Fedez, they had been waiting for “a very long time & rdquor; time.

In one of the promotional posters of the documentary film, he and she appear, lying on a very white mattress. Ferragni’s hair appears like that of the head of the Medusa decapitated by Perseus. The launch has also coincided with a clumsy advertising campaign of the Italian Ministry of Tourism – with a Botticelli’s Venus as a virtual ‘influencer’- which one art critic dismissively described as “something in the style of Ferragni”.

criticized, admired and even studied by universities as prestigious as the American harvard, Chiara Ferragni (Cremona, 1987) represents, like no one else, the strength of an industry that today, more than ever, does business with appearance. Ferragni raised his company ten years ago around herself (blonde hair, blue eyes, always very expensive clothes), after opening a blog with some success, ‘The Blonde Salad’. And from there she created a global brand, which is now an empire (valued about 40 million euros in 2020). Her public exposure is total, along with that of her husband and her two children, ages 5 and 2, who also appear regularly in her posts on social media.


As the daughter of a dentist and an employee in the fashion sector managed to become a billionaire? Her business: the sale of perfume, sunglasses, jewelry and beauty accessories of all kinds, along with online classes on how to become an ‘influencer’ and hundreds of advertising campaigns. A simple formula, but one that has worked, thanks to the businesswoman’s ability to exploit, before others, the dizzying rise of the new ways of communicating of mobiles, of algorithms and its multipliers par excellence, social networks.

In this way, the success of Ferragni has become a planetary phenomenon. On Instagram, he accumulates 30 million followers, almost double from three years ago. On Tik Tok, 6.2 million. On Twitter, more than 700,000. And, in parallel, they have also written hundreds of articlesreviews, reports and interviews, about his life and that of his partner, both also very often attentive to the most heated debates in their country.

It happened, for example, shortly before elections in Italy, when Ferragni charged against Giorgia Meloni, for her stance against the right to abortion in the transalpine country. “Now is our time to act and make sure that these things do not happen & rdquor ;, he said then, giving, once again, what to talk about. At the last Sanremo festival, she made her debut as a presenter wearing impressive dresses with a protest message.
