Chiara Corbella, a street in Rome to the “holy” mother

Lidea of ​​naming a street, a garden or a street in Rome after Clare Corbella Petrillo and of Brothers of Italy. The figure of the Roman mother who gave up treating her tumor to ensure a peaceful birth for the child she was carrying is in fact in the “pantheon” of Giorgia Meloni’s political party. The premier herself mentioned the name of the twenty-eight Roman, died in 2012in her inaugural speech, among the sixteen women who inspired her.

Who are the 16 Italians mentioned by Giorgia Meloni in the speech to the Chamber

Who is Chiara Corbella, the “holy” mother to whom Rome will dedicate a street

For those who believe, Chiara Corbella is a saint (the beatification process is underway). In fact, Chiara Corbella is one woman of faith who chose motherhood at all costs. A total icon dedication to life, and the abortion counterculture. A story that has gone around the world, and that has already created a nation of devotees.

Born in 1984, with her husband Enrico Petrillo, whom she met in Medjugorje, she had three children: Maria Grazia Letizia, born without a skull, Davide Giovanni, who lived like his sister for a few minutes due to a malformation to the lower limbs, and Francesco, born perfectly healthy “thanks” to the sacrifice of his mother.

He did not cure the tumor in order to give birth to a healthy third child (after two born and died children)

Just a week after the discovery of her third pregnancy, in fact, Chiara felt a lesion on her tongue: it was the indication of a carcinoma. She chose to postpone all treatments that could have harmed the child. It was only after the birth of Francesco that he resumed his therapies. He died in his parents’ country house, in Pian della Carlotta, between Cerveteri and Manziana), on 13 June 2012, at the age of twenty-eight.

The cause of beatification

On 21 September 2018, the diocese of Rome opened the cause for the beatification of Chiara, compared by Cardinal Agostino Vallini, who celebrated her funeral in the church of Santa Francesca Romana all’Ardeatino, to Gianna Beretta Molla, the saint with a very similar to that of the young Roman mother. Now also politics pays homage to it.

