Chelsea wants to negotiate for De Jong after the Aubameyang operation

08/20/2022 at 20:12


The London club has already shown its willingness with Barça to sign the Dutchman

The Blaugrana club will meet with Frenkie and his entourage next week to discuss his situation

Chelsea wants to fish at Barça. The London club has launched its final offensive to sign Aubameyang, although there is no agreement between the clubs and the negotiations have already been postponed for next week. In these conversations, Chelsea has reaffirmed its willingness to try to sign Frenkie de Jong, although this negotiation would already happen for the last week of the market. They want the midfielder but they won’t make any progress until they manage to sign Aubameyang. Complicated market days are coming for Barça in which there could be several entries and exits.

Barça has already made it clear to Chelsea that their offer for Aubameyang is not accepted and that they will have to raise the economic parameters, without including Marcos Alonso in the middle. The Blaugrana club will open the door for him if an economic agreement is reached, although De Jong’s issue is different since there is a salary conflict with the footballer who could bring him closer to the Premier in the event that Chelsea presents a powerful offer.

The Blaugrana club plans to meet with Frenkie and his entourage over the next week to smooth things over and try to lower his salary. The Dutchman is very closed on the wing because he considers that he has received inadmissible pressure from Barça in recent weeks. He did not like at all that his renewal contract was spoken of as illegal, since his salary was greatly reduced last year. If De Jong and those around him don’t agree to lower their salary, Barça could open the doors for him and that is the moment Chelsea is waiting for to take action.

The big problem that the English club sees at the moment is the player himself, who wants to keep his millionaire salary and that at Chelsea they see too high. The two clubs could reach an agreement, although everything would depend on what De Jong decides, who seems to be the starter at Anoeta after his substitution against Rayo.
