Chelsea legend John Terry wants to buy club shares

Together with a fan association, John Terry has made an offer to buy shares in the troubled Chelsea FC. The longtime captain wants to lead the “Blues” into a stable future.

Ex-captain John Terry wants to become a shareholder in reigning Champions League winners Chelsea. As the 41-year-old confirmed on Twitter on Saturday evening, he plans to acquire ten percent of the top English club with the “The True Blues” consortium for around £250 million.

“Chelsea has been such an important part of my life for 22 years. I want the club’s history and heritage to be protected,” wrote Terry. The goal is to usher in a “new era with like-minded people who share the same long-term vision of building the best football club in the world and understand how important our DNA is.”

Terry wants to strengthen the connection between the club and the fans

In addition to British athletics icon Lord Sebastian Coe, the group also includes many fans and season ticket holders. Together they have developed a concept that will support and complement potential buyers in the management of the club, while at the same time strengthening the connection between the fans and the board,” said Terry.

Former club owner Roman Abramovich announced a few days after Russia’s attack on Ukraine that he wanted to sell Chelsea. The British government imposed sanctions on the Russian oligarch last week and the club has faced an uncertain future ever since.

Former centre-back Terry returned to the Blues as an academy coach at the end of December. During his active career, he won 17 titles with the Champions League winner, ending his career there in 2018. The former England captain was then under contract as an assistant coach at Premier League club Aston Villa until last July.
