Chelsea before sale: who wants the club, what it costs and what’s going to happen with the money – Premier League – Football

The four remaining consortia should have the opportunity to introduce themselves to coach Thomas Tuchel and the club board, reports the British newspaper Times. It is possible that other bidders were admitted who have not yet been published.

Who makes the decision?

CEO Bruce Buck and board members Marina Granovskaia, Guy Laurence and Eugene Tenenbaum will support the offer. However, the government must approve this decision.

The Premier League also conducts a standardized “Owner Check”. There, the integrity is examined – for example, whether there are still shares in other clubs in the Premier League. However, this also includes criminal convictions, a ban by a sports organization or violations such as match-fixing. It is often criticized that this test does not take human rights issues into account. Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund was able to take over Newcastle United.

How much does the club cost?

It is estimated that the successful bidder will have to pay 2.5 billion British pounds (around 3 billion euros).

What happens to the money?

Abramovich had announced that he would not reclaim any loans and would donate “all net proceeds” from the sale to “all victims” of the war through a foundation yet to be set up. It is unclear who exactly is meant by this and whether Abramovich will even be granted access to the money by the government in London.

British media reports that the Treasury and Sport departments will decide what to do with the money.
