Cheese from Cees for Haarlemmers who deserve some luxury

He didn’t even like cheese when he was young, but Cees is now the cheese man of Haarlem. Not even because he knows everything about cheeses and is one of the elite of a few thousand specialists from all over the world. But Cees stands out mainly because of his good heart. For a year now, he has been ensuring that Haarlem residents who cannot afford it still get a really tasty piece of cheese on their plate.

Cees’ cheese is offered through the Facebook group ‘Prakkie Eten Over 023’, founded eight years ago by Martine van Balen. She started by handing out ‘a bowl of leftover macaroni’. “To combat food waste, but also to do something about the poverty behind the front door that you don’t see from the street.”

About 2,500 Haarlem residents are now members of her network: people who sometimes literally and figuratively pick up a plate of food from other members who are talking about it. But generous donations are also made, such as by Cees Dool.

“He is an example of solidarity”

Founder of Facebook group Martine van Balen

“He is an example of the solidarity among Haarlem residents to ease the suffering a little,” says Martine. “And all this with a closed wallet. We are very happy with it. A piece of cheese on the table is part of it, but for many people in our group that is not possible. Thanks to Cees, they now have that.”

And Martine thinks that it will also bring a lot of good for Cees himself. Not only does Cees hand out the cheeses at his home, but anyone from the group who would like to cut up such a large wheel of cheese themselves is very welcome. “He now has people over and has made great friendships. That is so nice to see.”

Watch the report about Cees, the philanthropic fromageur, below.

The Philanthropic Fromageur – NH News / Geja Sikma
