Cheers actress Kirstie Alley (71) na kort ziekbed overleden

“Hoe iconisch ze ook op het scherm was, ze was een nog fantastic moeder en grootmoeder”, wrote haar kinderen on Twitter. In the report, it is also planned on other social media, the family says that the actrice “overleed aan de strijd tegen kanker”.

Alley raised other known van hair role in the miniseries ‘North and South’ from 1985 over the Amerikaanse Burgerorlog. Haar grote doorbraak kwam twee jaar later met haar role van Rebecca Howe in the successful comedy series ‘Cheers’. In 1991, she received a Golden Globe for the best actress in a television series and an Emmy Award for the best published film. A twosome Emmy wrote about the hair used by Sally Goodson in ‘David’s Mother’ in 1994.

Met John Travolta made ze in de jaren negentig de commercieel successful Look Who’s Talking trilogy. Also shitterde ze op het witte doek in ‘Drop Dead Gorgeous’ from 1999.

Kirstie Alley in 2012Beeld REUTERS
