Cheering at the BR Volleys – coach and champion trio remain

The 12th title in the bag and finally partying with the fans again! The BR Volleys are really enjoying their championship, just like Monday evening in the Schmelinghalle.

By Sebastian Kayser

Manager Kaweh Niroomand (69) had good news to announce. Three top players have extended their contracts and will stay in Berlin at least for the coming season: Timothée Carle (26), Ruben Schott (27) and Cody Kessel (30).

Carle is the man for the important points. The match point on Saturday against VfB Friedrichshafen, which he hit into the block from where he went wide, was not the Frenchman’s first shot to win a title.

The Schmeling Hall was packed for the grand finale (Photo: Andreas Gora/dpa)

Homegrown Schott, who returned via Italy and Poland a year ago, is the ultimate identification figure. Similar to Felix Fischer (39). Kessel is also an integral part of the Berlin game with his attacking shots. The American is so crazy about volleyball that he plays in the sand during the summer break on the Beach Tour.

also read

►12. Title! Now the volleys are chasing the record

►BR Volleys after championship title: “The evening was a dream for us”

Master trainer Cedric Enard also extended his expired contract by one year. Libero Santiago Danani, on the other hand, will leave the German champions after just one year. The Argentine is said to have received a highly lucrative offer from Poland. Niroomand: “That’s a downer, but we will replace him almost equally.”

But in order to land the really big hit and get into the final in the Champions League, the team has to be strengthened. Niroomand did not want to reveal who is coming. With his good hand in recent years, it will probably be a hit again.
