Cheapest health insurance increases fastest, most chosen policies also significantly more expensive | Money

Insured persons with the cheapest basic policy, such as Anderzorg, Zilveren Kruis, FBTO and De Friesland, will spend about 15 percent more on their insurance next year. The most popular health insurance policies are also becoming considerably more expensive. Group policyholders in particular will feel the increase in premiums.

It is now one of the cheapest basic policies: the Ziezo Selective from Zilveren Kruis. Insured persons pay 108.25 euros a month, but from next year they will automatically transfer to the Ziezo Basis of 129.95 euros. With this they will pay no less than 21.70 euros per month more, or 260.40 euros extra per year, according to calculations by Zorgkiezer.

For example, there are more health insurers that have tinkered with the most competitively priced insurance policies, according to the health care comparators. Anderzorg, for example, will increase by 15.50 euros per month. De Friesland increases its Self Aware Policy by 17.70 euros per month to 130.95 euros per month. An increase of more than 15 percent. FBTO increases its basic policy by 16 euros to 126.95; 14 percent more than now.


In recent years, the criticism of these cheap labels has increased. They are also known as twin policies because they are virtually identical to an insurer’s basic insurance policy. Especially people who are price-conscious and healthy have such a policy. It concerns millions of Dutch people.


There is also a very large group of Dutch people who are forced to take that cheap policy

Peter Ruys from Zorgkiezer

In order to reduce the difference in premiums between healthy and older or sick policyholders, politicians have decided that insurers will receive less money for cheaper policies next year. “In itself it is a good development that healthy people are going to pay a little more for their health insurance in the context of solidarity,” says Peter Ruys of Zorgkiezer, but he adds: “There is also a very large group of Dutch people who are forced to who takes a cheap policy and who, with the rapidly rising prices, is now also confronted with this significant increase.”

Despite this significant increase, premiums are still lower than those of more well-known brands. The cheaper ones will be around 128 euros next year, and the premiums of the most chosen basic insurance policies are around 140 euros per month at the four major insurers (which also offer cheaper policies themselves). On average, the most selected basic insurance policies 10 euros per month more expensive, an increase of about 8 percent.

For example, the premium of the most chosen policy at VGZ increases by 9.30 euros to 141.95 euros per month. The Menzis premium will increase by 8 euros per month to 141.25 euros. The largest health insurer Zilveren Kruis (Achmea) increases the premium of its most well-known basic insurance to 138.95 per month. That is now 131.45 euros. At health insurer CZ, the health insurance premium increases by EUR 3.75 to EUR 138.25.


This limited increase does give a distorted picture, says care expert Mirjam Prins of Independer. The premium increase will be even higher for insured persons who still have a collective health insurance policy – for example taken out through their employer or an association. The group discount of 5 percent on basic insurance will disappear as of 2023. “As a result, that group will soon spend an average of 14 euros more per month on healthcare,” says Prins. No less than 60 percent of the insured have such a group discount.

The main reasons for the premium increase are the aging population, the increase in the number of chronically ill people, more expensive treatments and medicines. Inflation, which translates into higher salaries, energy and material costs, also plays an important role.

,,We realize very well that this is a difficult message for our policyholders”, said Menzis director Dirk Jan Sloots. According to VGZ director Frank Elion, the increase is unavoidable. “We understand that this is a significant amount. Especially at a time when life quickly becomes much more expensive, an increase in health care premiums is a message that we would rather not deliver.”


The health insurers say they use their own funds in order to limit the increase in premiums, but they cannot avoid increasing them. On the positive side, the health care allowance will rise sharply next year. For people with a minimum income or social assistance benefit, this is an increase of a maximum of 35 euros per month.

Insurers had until 12 November to announce their premium and conditions. Consumers can cancel their insurance until December 31. If the cancellation is not received in time, it is not possible to switch again until a year later.


When you delete something, try to set aside the money saved in case something happens

Care expert Mirjam Prins

Many policyholders will use the increase to orientate themselves on a different health insurance policy. In the research that independer no less than 40 percent of the Dutch say that they go and have a look around. Zorgexpert Prins advises consumers to take a good look at what is and is not necessary or useful. “If you’re scrapping something, try to put the money you saved aside in case something happens. Compare carefully and then choose wisely.”

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