Cheap mountain holidays in the Cai refuges

V.acanze in the mountains, to discover the Italian peaks among shelters, huts and paths, without spending unreasonable amounts.

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Holidays in the mountains, in the CAI refuges

This is the goal of “# Fg4m – Summer 2022 in the refuge”, The initiative of the CAI (Italian Alpine Club) created to spend family holidays with free overnight stays in mountain huts for children under the age of 16.

But also aimed at encourage and promote sustainable behavior and correct lifestyles, and to encourage the attendance of the mountains in the summer season.

Mountain holiday with children without spending a fortune thanks to the CAI (Photo Getty)

Guys for free, how to participate

Participation is open to families, but also to individual members of the family unit or first degree relatives with children and young people. First of all it is necessary to first check the availability of the refuge, then register through the website of the Regional Group Lombardy.

At this point you will receive an e-mail with the voucher to be printed and signed to the manager of the refuge where you choose to spend the mini-holiday. It will be free choice of refuge ddecide whether to join only on weekdaysor whether to give the possibility to book with the voucher without any limit.

More than one hundred CAI refuges

I’m about a hundred alpine refuges in Lombardy who will accept these special vouchers valid for two nights including half board, all between the provinces of Bergamo, Brescia, Como, Lecco and Sondrio.

Among those proposed, many are legends for mountaineering and others are made in difficult places and using with sophisticated materials.

There is, for example, the Mello Refuge in Valtellina, which can be reached by walking along a mule track. In the Upper Brembana Valley, at an altitude of 1,968 meters, there is the Twin Lakes Refugereachable only on foot.

And again the Valmalza Refuge in the Stelvio Park surrounded by unspoiled nature, where you can also taste excellent traditional dishes. And then there is the Nicola Refuge on the Piani di Bobbiounique in its architecture that takes inspiration from the nearby mountain, Sodadura.

To help Alpine tourism

The initiative has more than just purpose to attract more and more holidaymakers to the mountainsbut also to lend a hand to those who work in shelters, those who manage stays and restaurants.

In fact, if during the Covid summers the mountain resorts had sold outthis year the Italians seem to have preferred the beaches and the sea and the high altitude destinations are starting to suffer.

