cheap and to charge the mobile

The squall Gérard has put more than 40 Spanish provinces on alert.

This Tuesday the irruption by the northwest of the peninsula of a mass of polar, very cold air is expected, which will spread in subsequent days to the rest of the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, giving rise to intense northwesterly winds, and precipitation that will tend to be generalized.

The general decrease in mercury coincides, moreover, with a day in which the price of electricity is on the rise (the highest price during the day is between 8:00 and 9:00 p.m.).

A situation that forces us to look for ‘tricks’ to save on the electricity bill (also gas) without getting cold. What is clear is that heating cannot be dispensed with, much less used only in extreme cases, since it can have negative consequences for our health: respiratory irritation and allergies.

Ideally, the temperature of our home, in winter, does not drop below 19ºC, so it is essential to improve the insulation of the windows and lower the blinds when daylight begins to fall.

Do not forget to ventilate every day, but not for more than 10 minutes, and keep the radiators in good condition and, above all, avoid drying clothes on them.

This habit, so common in Spanish homes, causes radiators to lose their efficiency and the air in the room to become humid. However, in addition to these tips, there are gadgets that can help us to be very comfortable at home without our pocket suffering too much.

It is the case of a hand warmerlike this brand OCOOPAwhich allows them to be kept at an optimal temperature for up to seven hours.


But it is not only an ideal gift for those who feel the cold, and who always have cold hands, whether they are at home or on the street, but also for sports lovers (and that take place outdoors): hiking, skiing, golf…

This model, although there are many others on the market with similar characteristics, has a rechargeable battery 5,200 mAh lithium battery with USB charging port. It does not need batteries (that we save) and with a single charge we can use it for many days.

But if it is one of the best-selling products in electronic stores like Amazon, and best valued, it is for its second function: Extreme battery to charge mobile deviceseither Apple or Android.

Three levels of heating

This hand warmer has three heating levels and is ergonomically designed so it can be stored in any pocket or backpack. It fits perfectly in the hands and its touch makes it a very comfortable product to use.

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It is very safe to use: protected against overheating and short circuit. In addition, it has a price that makes it especially attractive, 25.49 euros. And users love it.

“It’s incredible how hot it gets. PC mouse size, comfortable to hold in your hand. It doesn’t weigh much, which is appreciated if you go on an excursion. Practical button to turn on and select heat … and it also works for you to charge mobile… but mainly it warms your fingers, useful”.
