‘Chateau Meiland’ viewers not to speak about the language of Leroy | showbiz

showbizLeroy Molkenboer (30), the husband of Maxime Meiland (26), is under fire. Several ‘Chateau Meiland’ viewers are not pleased with the man’s language. For example, they would find him “rough-mouthed”. Meanwhile, Leroy himself also responded to all the criticism.

Leroy responded to all the commotion in an interview with ‘Weekend’. “It doesn’t bother me much”, says Maxime Meiland’s husband in the conversation. “Twitter is always negative. And the people who commented under those posts about me were all positive and agreed with me as well.”

Forgot sandwiches

Leroy in turn can also count on the support of his other half Maxime. The latter, in turn, has a lot of pity for her husband. “It’s just a treasure,” said Maxime. Martien Meiland’s daughter also said the following: “I think that everyone would pronounce the k-word for a while if you forgot your prepared sandwiches while you still have such a huge ride.”

(Read more below the tweet.)

The reason for the whole fuss was an episode of ‘Chateau Meiland’ in which the family travels to France by car to visit Chateau Marillaux. It was a long drive, so Maxime had prepared some sandwiches beforehand. When she turned out to have forgotten this, Leroy reacted anything but enthusiastic. “Damn it, then we won’t have any food all day”, he shouted irritated. A statement that viewers of the program did not immediately appreciate. “My goodness, my son-in-law sweet is just as friendly-mouthed as the rest of that mess”, it sounds, among other things, on social media. Another Twitter user wrote the following: “That Leroy is also quickly on the classy intelligent communication level of the family.”


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3 million euros for biography, 50,000 euros per episode, 139 euros per scarf: Martien Meiland, the money machine (+)

See also: Maxime Meiland and Leroy married.
