Chateau Meiland suddenly becomes a mega hit again: ‘Are the figures correct?’

At the beginning of the summer it seemed to be more or less over with Chateau Meiland, but the soap about the Meilandjes is suddenly a mega hit again. Angela de Jong wonders whether the viewing figures are correct.

© SBS 6

When the viewing figures dipped well below a million you didn’t hear them, but now that Chateau Meiland is suddenly at the top of the viewing figures lists again, Martien Meiland eagerly shares the latest scores with his followers. 1.2 million people watched it yesterday and that is really very good, especially for a program for SBS 6.

Islands on the rise

Tina Nijkamp is also a bit surprised. “In May, Chateau Meiland was still in free fall and recorded only 680 thousand viewers on May 29. But what a difference a few months make: almost double yesterday with 1,210,000 viewers,” she writes on her analysis channel.

Only the subsequent broadcast Today Inside (1.3 million) did even better in prime time, according to Tina. “Mega scores were also achieved in the commercial target group aged 25 to 54: 30.7 percent for VI and 28.3 percent for the Meilandjes.”

How is this possible?

Angela de Jong asks herself today AD column wonder how on earth this is possible. She herself is still tired of the TV family. “The time when I looked forward to a new episode every week is long gone. I have seen them wallpapering, painting and drinking wine enough for a lifetime.”

She looked again yesterday and mainly saw a repetition of moves. “And there was a lot of driving back and forth in Minis and Fiat 500s. Because four Meilandjes crammed into a car that is too small always results in snarling and a lot of shouting and therefore exciting TV.”


It’s all ‘no longer authentic’, according to Angela. “The Meilandjes have become one with the character they play and give their fans exactly what they want.”

Well, that’s what it seems like, but Angela is cautious: “Or something is wrong with that new viewing figure measurement. Of course that is also possible.”

In any case, things are going really well in the ratings world, with outliers on the other side as well. For example, Farmer Seeks Woman is suddenly no longer a mega hit and Ik Hou Van Holland is suddenly even a flop.
