Charlotte Kalla’s grandfather fell from the balcony and died

Bengt Kalla is dead.

Charlotte Kalla has already finished her skiing career. AOP / KIMMO BRANDT

Grandfather of former cross country star Charlotte Kalla Bengt Kalla is dead, reports NSD.

Kalla’s father Per-Erik Kalla told NSD that Bengt Kalla fell from the balcony in the emergency department of the Överkalix health center. He was treated there for a short time while he waited to be transferred to a short-term care home.

He was transported to a nearby hospital, where he succumbed to his injuries. Kalla died at the age of 86.

Per-Erik Kalla told NSD that Bengt Kalla was of great importance to Charlotte Kalla’s skiing career.

– It cannot be described in words.

Charlotte Kalla said For Expressen, that Bengt Kalla was his biggest supporter. Bengt Kalla was often seen cheering on Charlotte Kalla at skiing competitions.

– He was the one who always took me to the ski slopes. He followed me throughout my career and was my biggest supporter. I am grateful for everything I experienced with “Faffa” from beginning to end, Kalla wrote to Expressen.

The case has also reached the police and an investigation has been started.
