Charles Michel (MR) back to Belgian politics? “Everything indicates that he is preparing for this” | Domestic

Charles Michel (MR), President of the European Council until the end of November 2024, is preparing for a return to Belgian politics. ‘Business AM’ writes this and the rumor is taken up in various Walloon media. It is not the first time that there have been speculations about the future of Charles Michel.

The Walloon newspapers refer in their report to ‘Business AM’, which said the news was confirmed by high-ranking sources within the Vivaldi government. “Everything indicates that he is preparing for it. We feel it,” he said. “He can change the dynamics of his party in an instant, even with Bouchez as chairman. At least that’s what he believes,” said another source. There are even whispers that after the losses in 2024, after months of political standstill, he could emerge as a ‘savior of the homeland’.


In 2019, Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel (MR) was elected President of the European Council for a 2.5-year mandate. He was re-elected at the beginning of last year, but his last mandate will expire in 2024 and he will have to make way for his successor. Various scenarios are possible for Charles Michel.

Relationship with Von der Leyen

From October 11, 2014 to October 27, 2019, Charles Michel was Prime Minister of Belgium in the Michel I and Michel II governments. A future in Europe is not excluded for 47-year-old Charles Michel, but it is less likely due to his deteriorated relationship with commission chairman Urslula Von der Leyen.

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Will former Prime Minister Charles Michel (MR) return to Belgian politics? Or will he stay in Europe for a while after 2024?

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