Charles Barkley: arrests, fights and basketball. NBA noir

Once Jayson Williams saved him from a stabbing, another time he got punched by a weightlifter, to avoid being chosen by the Sixers he started stuffing himself: all the follies of “The round mound of rebound”

Massimo Oriani


“Sorry officer, I was in a hurry. You know, I have to go and pick up a beautiful girl to have sex with.” Well, that’s a no-brainer as an excuse. It’s hard to blame him. Or maybe not even. Charles Barkley has always been an over-the-top character. On the pitch, as when he elbowed poor Herlander Coimbra, an Angolan economics student, at the Dream Team’s Olympic debut in Barcelona 1992. Or off, as when he was arrested in Scottsdale, Arizona, for being drunk while driving, attempting – as mentioned – to get away with the justification that he was “just going around the corner to have me do a…”.
