Charging electric cars from home: how to do it, all on the wallboxes

Given the relative lack of charging stations in the country, wallboxes are a good alternative for charging your EV at home. Let’s find out what they are, the necessary authorizations and the prices of these devices

Marco Bruckner

Electric vehicles, despite various incentives, are not spreading quickly. One of the main problems of owning an electric car is the shortage of charging points: the public columns are in fact still too few. The wallbox instead they represent a valid option to charge your car at home in less time and in a safer way than connecting it directly to the current at home. Let’s find out now What are the wallboxes, the necessary authorizations and indicative prices offered by energy suppliers and major automotive groups.

wallboxes: what they are

Wallboxes are devices for charging electric cars at home. They are usually installed at wall, a factor from which they take their name, but they also exist on the floor. The wallboxes connect to the existing electrical system: their installation allows you to load your vehicle faster, as well as in a safer way. They can be purchased from major energy suppliers, as well as from automotive groups that produce wallboxes under their own brands.

wallbox: permissions

Installing a wallbox it does not require special authorizations by public bodies. On the other hand, it is necessary to have the condominium authorization if the common areas of the building are used. Furthermore, if you have a box for rent, you obviously need to ask the owner for permission before installing your wallbox. You may need to increase the power of your meter: it is in fact necessary that this is able to support the consumption of household appliances combined with those of the wallbox itself. In any case, it is advisable to have your wallbox installed by your electricity supplier, in order to reduce the risk of overfeeding the electrical system.

wallbox: the prices

To give an indication of the prices of a wallbox, we have calculated an average of the costs of the products put on the market by energy suppliers and major automotive groups. As far as suppliers are concerned, the average price for a wallbox up to 7.4 kWh is 1,866 euros and 2,385 for 22 kWh. These indicative canons are inclusive of installation. Service not normally provided when we buy a wallbox from an automotive group, a fact that lowers the price: the average for a device that allows you to recharge up to 7.4 kWh is 725 euros, while for those of 22 kWh it is 1,099 EUR. Obviously, it must be considered that the separate expense for the installation will be added to these figures.
