Chaos demonstrate on the sidelines of the Tesla opening

While the Chancellor, Economics Minister and fans in the new Gigafactory were electrified with joy about Musk’s new electric car factory, protests spread outside – several times!

Climate activists from the groups “Sand in the Gears”, “Ende Gelände” and “Extinction Rebellion” protested against the “Gigafactory” and blocked a factory gate.

Demonstrators are sitting on the driveway to the Tesla factory, police officers are standing around them (Photo: LISI NIESNER/REUTERS)
Demonstrators are sitting on the driveway to the Tesla factory, police officers are standing around them (Photo: LISI NIESNER/REUTERS)

They criticized that the new factory endangered the water supply in Brandenburg and Berlin. In addition, it does not make sense to replace cars with internal combustion engines with electric cars.

For a good three hours, activists from “aktion_autofrei” then caused a mega traffic jam on Tuesday afternoon on the Berliner Ring to the south and east! In the early afternoon, five people occupied a motorway sign bridge at kilometer 33 and a bridge at kilometer 30 in protest against e-car production in Grünheide.

Two activists abseiled down a highway sign (Photo: Private)
Two activists abseiled down a highway sign (Photo: Private)
With signs and posters, demonstrators marched to the Tesla factory on Tuesday (Photo: LISI NIESNER/REUTERS)
With signs and posters, demonstrators marched to the Tesla factory on Tuesday (Photo: LISI NIESNER/REUTERS)

The activists at the sign bridge hung in front of the signs, secured with ropes, and pasted over the signs for the “Hangelsberg” exit with self-adhesive lettering: “E-mobility deMUSKieren – cars out! Electricity in Rad&Bahn” and “Traffic turnaround instead of building e-/luxury cars #TesladeMUSKieren.”

Alluding to Tesla boss Elon Musk, who opened the Gigafactory for his “Tesla” brand e-vehicles just a few kilometers from the protest sites.

also read

The first Tesla “Made in Germany” went to Reiner

Tesla factory opened! Musk happy, Habeck sees a role model for other projects

After all: in the afternoon at least the southbound lane in the direction of Dreieck Spreeau was released by the police. There the traffic rolled again.

Nothing worked on the oncoming lane in the direction of Dreieck Prenzlau. Reason: The two men who had abseiled down the signs initially did not want to release the sign bridge.
