Chaos around Martin Kind – is he still the managing director?

How can the parent club side still assert itself?

The press release from Wednesday evening talks about “important reasons” why the child was thrown out. What is meant by these “important reasons” is not known. But one thing is clear: these reasons seem to be the only scenario in which the eV Kind could unsubscribe without the consent of the supervisory board.

What does the child say about being kicked out?

The 78-year-old entrepreneur has been silent since Wednesday evening. However, there is now a statement from the professional club. It says: “The supervisory board of Hannover 96 Management GmbH, which is responsible for the dismissal and appointment of managing directors according to the statutes of Hannover 96 Management GmbH, is not informed about this procedure. According to the statutes of Hannover 96 Management GmbH and according to the 96th -Contract authorizes the appointment and dismissal of managing directors. The effectiveness of the resolution on the dismissal of the managing director will be legally examined.”

At the beginning of July, Kind spoke about his successor in an interview with t-online: “It is elementary to organize the transfer of responsibility. The first attempt failed, soon there will be new decisions with the eV.” In a first attempt, Kind wanted to install Robert Schäfer as his successor. However, the eV decidedly rejected it last year. There was no timetable by when a qualified successor should be determined.

What does the situation mean for the club financially?

The financial consequences are so far difficult to predict. One thing is clear: before the season even started, the three shareholders, who in addition to Kind also include real estate guru Gregor Baum and drugstore giant Dirk Rossmann, invested a large proportion in the new team. If Kind is no longer managing director of the professional division, it is very likely that Rossmann and Baum will also resign.

It is also said that Kind and Rossmann financed the academy with a loan of 2.8 million euros before the season that started recently. It’s quite possible that investors now want their money back. And then the question arises as to who can pay the sum.

Why is this happening right now?

That’s the big question. For around two years, Sebastian Kramer, as club president, has been trying to get Martin Kind removed from office. However, so far without success. Why the current time was chosen is therefore highly questionable. Especially since the club had just calmed down. A powerful team has been put together, the work between manager Marcus Mann and trainer Stefan Leitl seems to be going well. A detailed statement from the parent club side has not yet materialized.

How are the fans reacting?

Very divided. Like the entire club, the fan scene is divided into a pro and contra child camp. In general, there are many supporters, especially in the Hanover ultra scene, who are opposed to the long-standing club president. “Child must go” battle cries can be heard regularly in home games. Great fear is now spreading among the Pro-Kind fans. Before the 78-year-old took over the “Reds”, the club from the capital of Lower Saxony was bobbing around in the regional league. Many are afraid that they could go there again without children.
