Chantal Janzen ready with Ali B: ‘Why wait for the investigation?!’

Chantal Janzen finds it very annoying that she has made such a mistake about her colleague Ali B. She does not think it is necessary to wait for a police investigation. “Women don’t just file a report.”

© William Rutten

The Voice of Holland was exposed more than two months ago as a playground for raunchy TV men. Linda de Mol’s lover, band leader Jeroen Rietbergen, soon confessed to guilt. However, the one with the most vehement accusations is Ali B, who has been dodging the media in Dubai for months.

Error in Ali

Has Chantal Janzen, the presenter of the program, still had contact with them? “No, but I didn’t have that bond with them before. I have always enjoyed working with Ali. It is annoying if you make a mistake about someone, whether that is in your own circle of friends or during work,” she responds in De Telegraaf.

Shouldn’t we first wait for the police investigation before the gentlemen are cancelled? No, Chantal thinks. “Waiting to see what is actually true is secondary for me. Something went wrong anyway. We don’t all know exactly how big that is yet, but women don’t just report it.”

Rotten apples

If it’s up to Chantal, The Voice can continue now that types like Ali have fled abroad. “I think it will come back, but I’m basing that on nothing. It’s what I would do. Because the program is right. I also think it’s a nice middle finger to the screwed up people who were in the wrong places there.”

How should RTL 4 handle it then? “Flick out the bad apples, clean the fruit bowl, return the healthy fruit or buy new.”
