‘Chantal Janzen does not score well enough to become TV queen’

Chantal Janzen has not yet proven herself enough to take over the title of TV queen, according to the weekly magazine Privé. “Even in 2023 she will certainly not ascend the throne of Linda de Mol.”

© William Rutten

It is clear that Linda de Mol has fallen hard as TV queen of the Netherlands, but the television world is not exactly overflowing with television talent. It is often said that Chantal Janzen is the new TV queen of our country, but her viewing figures give no reason at all.

Chantal no hit

Chantal has no chance to take over the title for the time being, says weekly magazine Privé. “Chantal seems to have a problem, because to ascend the vacated throne, she still has to score some better ratings. According to critics, Chantal has been stringing together flops for years and it is indeed the case that many titles have not become hits in the past five years.”

Weekly magazine Privé points to, among others, Janzen & Van Dijk, &Chantal, Chantal Comes to Work, Do It Yourself, Chantals Pyjama Party and Chantals Beauty Camper. “And recently the panel show Wrong But Gold. There is no audience hit like Linda’s classics.”

‘Not even in 2023’

Chantal will again not succeed in ascending the throne this year, the magazine thinks. This year she will mainly focus on some drama projects for Videoland.

Reference is also made to Chantal’s shrugging statements about the linear viewing figures: “I am no longer as concerned with that as before, it has become too erratic for that. Of course, click figures are important, but above all I want to deliver the best possible product. After that I can’t control it anymore.”

De Privé: “Well, of course you will never become a TV queen.”
