‘Chantal Janzen deals in stupid comments’

Erica Meiland is not at all impressed by Chantal Janzen. For years she liked to see the presenter on television, but now she thinks she is mainly a stupid girl.


Erica Meiland’s book is full of feminist lyrics. In one of those texts she agitates against Islam, because according to her it is a culture in which women are oppressed and in which they have to walk down the street like ‘penguins’. She refers to women in a burqa. She talked about it last October in the talk show of Eva Jinek.

Penguin Passage

Erica was reviled by both Chantal and Eva when the penguin passage came up. It is now about eight months later and life has returned to normal for the Meilandjes, but around that broadcast the situation was extremely threatening for the TV family. And Chantal has also contributed to that, according to Erica.

The Meiland mother tells in The Telegraph: “I sat with Jinek for the book. She picked that part about Muslim women in burqas. Fine. I sit there and she can ask me anything. Then you have Chantal Janzen next to you – I always thought she was very nice, funny and beautiful – who is full of stupid comments.”

stupid girl

That Chantal (43) is really a stupid girl, says Erica (58). “She hadn’t delved into the subject, spouted nonsense, just to be good anyway.”

But isn’t Chantal right that the penguin passage went a bit too far? “When Wim Sonneveld joked about nuns being mistaken for penguins, they only laughed. But nuns are Catholic, not Muslim. That will be the difference.”

‘Will you be careful?!’

Erica felt quite unsafe around Jinek’s broadcast. “I hadn’t even left the studio when my children started texting: ‘All reactions, blablabla. Are you looking out for the way back?’ I thought: why? But a security man was already walking to my car.”

She concludes: “It became clear to me once again that some Muslims can become quite aggressive if you say things they don’t like.”


The Telegraaf interview with Erica Meiland:
