Changing weather over the weekend, but: ‘Great weather to put mothers in the spotlight’ | Inland

“Tonight it will rain occasionally in the western half at a temperature of 10 or 11 degrees,” writes Weeronline. “In the east it remains largely dry, but due to the clouds it does not cool down further than 8 to 10 degrees.”

Saturday morning it will be cloudy with occasional rain. “It will become dry in the west of the country later in the morning. Around 10 am it is 13 degrees in the west to 16 degrees in the east of the country and the sun can break through in some places. The west wind blows weakly.”

In the afternoon the wind turns to the north and increases slightly. It is clearing up more and more in the country. However, there is still a chance of a shower in the southeast of the country. It will be a maximum of 14 to 20 degrees, slightly cooler than the days before. In the evening it remains dry everywhere.

mothers Day

In the night from Saturday to Sunday it will be clear and dry in the Netherlands. “It will be a cold night of around 4 to 7 degrees. It can freeze locally, especially along the German border,” Weeronline reports. mothers Day is dry and quite sunny. With lots of sun and a weak to moderate northerly wind, it will be 15 degrees in the Wadden area in the afternoon to 20 degrees in Limburg. “So it’s great weather to put mothers in the spotlight!”
