Change of leadership at the top of’s fashion division

Donna Darthuizen, Vice President Fashion, Sport & Beauty, has left the Hamburg mail order company after a little less than two years.

Darthuizen, who joined Otto in October 2021 to strengthen the mail order company’s fashion segment, left the company last June, Otto confirmed when asked by FashionUnited. The industry magazine Textilwirtschaft previously reported on her departure.

Darthuizen’s successor has already been determined. Dirk Sjuts, who has been working for the mail order company since 2001, took over interim management of the Fashion & Sport directorate in June. Since January 1st, his official title has been Vice President Fashion & Sports.

Sjuts started at Otto as an information manager in purchasing management, which was followed by various positions in sales. In 2010, he was promoted to head of multichannel division before taking over as head of sales and digital development a year later. In this position he was responsible for cross-channel management of the Fashion & Sports category. In July 2016, he took over the management of the Category Sport division. Under his leadership, the e-commerce orientation of the sports division was advanced and market shares were gained through constant growth, according to the statement.
