Change fixed! Luthe goes to 1. FC Kaiserslautern

Andreas Luthe replaced the injured Frederik Rönnow between the posts

Andreas Luthe moves to the Palatinate Photo: Marco Leipold/City-Press GmbH

From BZ editors

Goalkeeper Andreas Luthe is leaving 1. FC Union Berlin with immediate effect and joining second division promoted team 1. FC Kaiserslautern.

The Iron Ones announced this on Monday evening shortly after 7 p.m. via Twitter and on their website.

Luthe moved from FC Augsburg to Köpenick in 2020. In his two years in 65 competitive games, he made a significant contribution to staying in the league and qualifying for the Conference League and the Europa League.

Luthe (35) lost his place between the posts to Frederik Rönnow (29) at the end of the season. Now the veteran is moving to the second division.

“I will always look back on my time at Union with incredibly fond memories. What we have achieved together in recent years will always fill me with great pride and I would therefore like to once again expressly thank my teammates, the coaching and support team, all fans, employees and those responsible for the past two years.” Luthe is quoted on the Union homepage.

“Andi has played a large part in the success of the last two years and was an important part of the team in terms of sport and personality. That’s why we respect his wish to be able to switch to a club again for a longer period of time. We are very grateful to him for the time we spent together and above all we wish him good health and every success in the future,” said managing director Oliver Ruhnert about the change.

In Kaiserslautern, Luthe, who was born in Velbert, meets trainer Dirk Schuster, who was his trainer at FC Augsburg.


1. FC Kaiserslautern Andreas Luthe Union transfers
