Chanel denies that she will attend the World Cup in Qatar 2022

11/18/2022 at 5:59 p.m.


“I am not going to go to Qatar”, assures the singer in an interview with the media

Chanel appears to be upset by Toke’s continued involvement with the World Cup.

Chanel released his second single a few weeks ago, touchthe first after representing us in Eurovision 2023 and win the bronze medal with his justmo. The artist has relied heavily on RTVE to promote the song, since the public entity has selected it to promote the Qatar World Cup 2022hence the press does not stop asking him if he will go to Doha if necessary.

In statements made to the media on the occasion of the GQ Men of the Year Awards, Chanel could not help but feel upset and has ensured that just like Shakira either Dua Lipashe will not go to Qatar even if they propose it: “I think I agree with her and I’m not going to Qatar for the same reason either. It is your own decision and it is personal. I decide. It was clear to me from the first moment, what happens is that I am very new to this public speaking. When I said it for the first time that I am clear about my principles, I was referring to this“.

The truth is Chanel has always made it clear that does not support the celebration of the World Cup in Qatar 2022 for taking place in a country where human rights are not respected, but some have criticized him for the fact that his song touch is used by RTVE to promote its retransmission in RTVE.
