Chancellor Scholz: Retail gives society security

Chancellor Olaf Scholz has emphasized the importance of retail for society. “Retail in particular also gives our society security,” said the SPD politician on Sunday in Rheinstetten near Karlsruhe at a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the drugstore chain DM.

During the corona pandemic, everyone felt this. When almost all other shops had to be closed, the DM employees continued to be there for the citizens and provided them with the essentials. “Your existence, your daily work, your reliability has kept our cities and our society together in these difficult times and continues to do so every day,” said Scholz in front of several thousand dm employees in the Karlsruhe exhibition halls.

The Chancellor recalled the words of DM founder Götz Werner (1944-2022) that working together in the company means working together for one another. This also includes respect for other professions and educational paths, Scholz made clear. The corona pandemic has shown that the manager is no better or worse than the parcel carrier, the professor no better than the warehouse clerk. “Everyone is needed. Everyone is doing something important for our country.”(dpa)
