Chance of snow in Zoetermeer on Friday and that’s not an April 1 joke

Do you know the expression Little April sweet sometimes takes care ofr a white hat† Or April does what he wants† These statements will come true this year because snow is expected. And that’s not April Fools’ Day!

We have been spoiled the past month with the sun-drenched days. This week is coming to an abrupt end. on Weatheronline we read that we can sometimes wake up on Friday with snow on the roofs and streets in Zoetermeer. Read on to find out exactly how much snow is expected.

Thursday already colder

Thursday it will already feel quite cold outside. So have you already put away your winter coat? Then take it out of the closet again. It’s going to feel like it’s freezing due to a north-northeast wind. It does not get warmer than 3 to 6 degrees. Normally 10 to 12 degrees is normal for late March.

Snow in Zoetermeer

It will be Friday, April 1. Snow is actually coming and no, that’s not a joke. When you wake up, cars, lawns and streets may be covered by several inches of snow. Because the temperature drops, there is also a slightly higher chance that the snow will remain for a while.

Due to the sun, which will shine again later in the day, the wet snow slush will melt quickly. After that, no more white precipitation is expected. It will remain a bit colder than normal, barely 8 degrees. brrr.

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