Championship enthusiasm in Kocaelispor! – Last minute TFF 2nd League news

Kocaelispor, which rose to the 1st League as the champion in the TFF 2nd League, lifted the trophy with thousands of fans. Before the championship celebrations held in Sekapark, the team, full staff, technical team and managers departed from Sekapark Hotel by open-top bus and greeted the public. Kocaelispor, which was welcomed with great interest, came to Sekapark Kite Hill, which is the celebration area, after a few minutes of convoy. Turkey Football Federation Deputy Chairman Yalçın Orhan attended the celebrations, club president Engin Koyun, Kocaeli Metropolitan Mayor Tahir Büyükakın addressed the public. At the moments when thousands of Kocaelispor fans, who filled the field, experienced the enthusiasm of the championship to the fullest, the football players and technical team were invited to the stage one by one and received their medals. Then the trophy was lifted together.


Kocaelispor Club President Engin Koyun, who made a speech at the ceremony, said, “We congratulate you from the heart of Kocaeli. We have come to this day together. I congratulate everyone who has contributed to our day. We are going one step at a time to bring Kocaelispor to the place it deserves. We wholeheartedly welcome our fans who gave us this opportunity. Thank you. We have achieved this success, especially with our football team and technical committee, with our fans and everyone living in the city. There is an architect behind every success. Our Metropolitan Mayor Tahir Büyükakın, who does his best day and night for the future of the city, is our only architect of success. Engin Koyun did not succeed. We succeeded together. As of today, we leave all the negativities aside. This city deserves the best, it deserves the Super League. I hope we will live it too. Where did we get our Kocaelispor, where did we bring it. We will make Kocaeli the camp center of the Turkish national team. This story is today It started here, it won’t end here We all need each other. I ask for your patience. I want us to take care of each other. Congratulations on our championship,” he said.


Speaking after Koyun, Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Tahir Büyükakın said, “I knew how to put my hand and my heart under the responsibility in the most difficult times of Kocaelispor. If Kocaelispor is successful, the Metropolitan Mayor gives support, so that Kocaelispor does not become a material for politics. There were those who tried to give a speech. I did not speak for a day. I always said: Do not let those who try to recruit politics through Kocaelispor come through the door. Effendi, sit on the sidelines. We did not even come to the matches just so that Kocaelispor would not get hurt because of us. We did not take our hands off Kocaelispor for a day. We did not come to that tribune so that it would not be harmed. We will never use Kocaelispor as a material for politics. Today, I am not speaking as the representative of the political party, but as the president of everyone, as the Mayor of the Metropolitan. Kocaelispor is also the team of this city. All mayors will take care of Kocaelispor. Whichever party it is. Because Kocaelispor is above the parties, never let the political calculations of the parties enter the tribune. If I do, don’t let me through the door. The biggest danger to Kocaelispor would be the deterioration of our unity and solidarity. In order to protect the team in difficult times, I ask that this unity not be broken. I promise; I already put my body under the stone for Kocaelispor. In the process of Red Star debts. But we didn’t do it for political reasons. Because Kocaelispor needs to be protected, played in the Super League, and won the European Cup again. It is possible to turn Kocaelispor into a club that will make a ranking in Europe and the world in a 15-year planning, with a very good planning, a very solid infrastructure, and a very solid facility infrastructure.


Making a special statement after the celebration, Kocaelispor Technical Director Fırat Gül said, “I promised at the beginning of the season that we will be champions. I reminded this from time to time; I said, ‘Our word is our word.’ “It will be the last championship in the leagues. From now on, he will not have to lift a trophy in the second league,” he said.
